Coffee v. Tea: Take the challenge

Something new is brewing! It’s the Winter Reading Challenge: Coffee v. Tea.

Your challenge—should you choose to accept it—is to check out and read as many books as possible January 5-February 15.


Your reward—if you’re lucky enough to win—will be a hot beverage from one of our favorite local companies. For every book (or audiobook) you read, you’ll be eligible to enter ourbiweekly prize drawings for $5 gift certificates from Stauf’s Coffee Roasters, Luck Bros’ Coffee House, Grandview Grind, or Cambridge Tea House.

All entries will eligible for a special grand prize: a $25 gift certificate from Chocolate Café.

Stop by the Library’s Reference Department to get your entry forms. You decide if you want to compete for coffee prizes or tea prizes. It’s coffee v. tea, and we’ll keep track of our community’s hot beverage preference.


Be sure to enter our registration raffle in January for an extra chance to win. Correctly guess the number of coffee beans in our display coffee pot or the number of tea bags in our display tea pot, and you’ll be eligible to win a bonus prize!

Questions? Call Reference at 614-481-3776.

 These are the prizes for the Adult challenge. Youth Services has different prizes for their challenge.